Banking Sign In

Statement of Condition

At the Close of Business on December 31, 2022

ASSETS as of September 30, 2024


Cash & Due from Banks


Noninterest-bearing balances and currency and coin $2,130,000
Interest-bearing balances $5,022,000


Held-to-Maturity $1,705,000
Available-for-Sale $20,645,000
Equity securities with readily determinable fair values not held for trading $0
Federal funds sold and securities purchased under agreements to resell:


Federal Funds Sold $0
Securities purchased under agreements to resell $0


Loans and leases held for sale $0
Loans and leases, net of unearned income $43,118,000
LESS: Allowance for loan and lease losses $460,000
Loans and leases, net of unearned income and allowance $42,658,000
Trading Assets $0
Premises and fixed assets (including capital leases) $4,574,000
Other real estate owned $0
Investments in unconsolidated subsidiaries and associated companies $0
Direct and indirect investments in real estate ventures $0
Intangible assests (from Schedule RC-M) $0
Other Assets $1,147,000
Total Assets $77,881,000
LIABILITIES as of September 30, 2024




In domestic offices $69,072,000
Noninterest-bearing $12,245,000
Interest-bearing $56,827,000
Federal funds purchased and securities sold under agreements to repurchase:


Federal funds purchased $0
Securities sold under agreements to repurchase $0
Trading liabilities $0
Other borrowed money (includes mortgage indebtedness and obligations under capital leases) $1,500,000
Subordinated notes and dentures $0
Other Liabilities $278,000
Total Liabilities $70,850,000


Perpetual perferred stock and related surplus $0
Common stock $3,400,000
Surplus (excludes all surplus related to preferred stock) $1,617,000
Retained earnings $3,755,000
Accumulated other comprehensive income $(1,741,000)
Other equity capital components $0
Total bank equity capital $7,031,000
Noncontrolling (minority) interest in consolidated subsidiaries $0
Total equity capital $7,031,000
Total liabilities and equity capital $77,881,000

Board of


  • Angelina S. Canales
  • Ignacio Mijares
  • Lucio E. Gonzalez, Jr. NMLS# 486211
  • Juan Carlos Saenz
  • David G. Navarro
  • Yvette A. Trevino NMLS# 516577
  • Eliab Alonzo


Juan Carlos Saenz Chairman of the Board
David G. Navarro Secretary to the Board
Lucio E. Gonzalez, Jr. NMLS# 486211 Executive Vice President & Chief Lending Officer
Yvette A. Trevino NMLS# 516577 President & CEO
Angie S. Canales Asst. Secretary to the Board, Executive Vice-President & Chief Operations Officer
Rene Reyna NMLS #445105 Vice President & Bank Security Officer
Anna Maria Lopez NMLS# 486214 Vice President & CRA Officer
Martha G. Gonzalez Vice President
Enedina Montemayor Assistant Vice President
Jose Luis Rangel Senior Vice President & Credit Risk Officer
Cesar Gonzalez NMLS# 445098 Vice President